Fitness & Health

Healin’s client review

Healin organics client

For six years, I’ve been coaching individuals, but during my study periods, it becomes challenging to juggle everything. Sometimes, workouts feel like a struggle, and I’ve hit a point of boredom with my job. Dealing with people seeking motivation for weight loss or gain started feeling demotivating. However, stumbling upon Tajwar’s feedback on Facebook, where she shared her survival journey and progress through yoga, stretching, and strength training, was a turning point. It made me realize that my job is significant and not something to overlook due to exhaustion. I felt overwhelmed with gratitude that Allah entrusted me with such a rewarding role. I’m now determined to continue wholeheartedly on this path. and Behind every successful training journey lies the unwavering support of an incredible mentor. I am truly grateful for my boss Tooba Hasan Khwaja’s guidance, dedication, and belief in my growth.” Who created a space where women can grow together. That place is true #healin us ,

“Where moments turn into memories, laughter echoes, and bonds grow stronger. This place isn’t just a space; it’s our sanctuary, our haven of togetherness and shared experiences.

magine a space where each corner holds a piece of our stories. It’s more than just walls and furniture; it’s where we gather, where we share our triumphs and challenges. In this place, conversations spark inspiration, laughter dances in the air, and friendships deepen. It’s a sanctuary that cradles our moments, a haven where we find solace, support, and the shared essence of our collective journey. This space isn’t merely a location; it’s the heart of our connections, where our paths intertwine to create a tapestry of shared experiences and cherished memories.

Client feedback holds immense importance to me. When I receive feedback from my clients, it’s like a guiding light. Positive feedback uplifts my spirits, reaffirming the value of the work I do. It fills me with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that I’ve made a positive impact on someone’s life. On the other hand, constructive criticism is equally valuable; it helps me improve and grow professionally. Both types of feedback, positive and constructive, fuel my passion and motivate me to continue striving for excellence in my coaching journey.

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